Hank is Love

>be me.
>watching King of the Hill.
> Hank Hill is supah dupah sexy.
> pray to him and buy propane and propane accesories.
> Mom sees me praying. She's catholic.
> Screams at me for worshipping false Gods.
> I start crying.
> On the t.v. screen, Hank looks at my mom.
> Dangit, I'm going to kick your ass, Bobby.
> Hank jumps out the t.v. and decapitates my mom with his propane.
> I squirm in anticipation.
> Hank grabs me and brings me outside.
> Makes me a full steak on a barbeque with propane.
> It tastes awful.
>Hank bashes me over the head with a propane cannister.
> I let out a mighty BWAAAHHH! as my skull cracks open.
> America you Jackass.
>Hank is love.
>Hank is life.